How to execute PERL(pl) exploits?

Step one:
Download ActivePerl, but clicking the link below:

Step two:
After the installation will several folders be created in the C:\ (I'm assuming you all who read this tutorial use Windows But don't mind those folders, they are sorta "useless" for your kinda use of Perl.

Step three:
Go find a perl exploit script, then put the exploit in notepad and save it in C:\

Step four:
Now to actually run the script. Go to "START" and then press "RUN", when you are in "RUN", write "CMD" to get into the "COMMAND PROMPT". When you open it you usually start in "DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS", write "CD\" to get to C.\. Then write to start the script. (You will get further description, when you run the script)

This will be useful later on when you start using xploits!